Why Strong's in Hebrew?
Hebrew Concordance

Strong's Concordance in Hebrew is a useful resource for two reasons: ease of reference and a link to the New Testament original Greek Text. Strong's Concordance in Hebrew not only lists each Hebrew word alphabetically, it also groups the Greek verbs into their several classifications. This Hebrew Concordance allows the user to easily find the underlying Greek text by using the numbering system with its index.

For most Bible students the Hebrew or Greek text of the respective Old and New Testaments are not easily accessed without a Strong's Concordance. Dr. Strong developed his coding system for the average student of the Scriptures. Every Hebrew and Greek word in the Scriptures is given its own number. By attaching a Strong's number to a translated word, the student is able to discover the underlying original text.

Example: New Testament Greek

Strong's #25

Greek Word: αγαπαω
Delitzsch's New Testament Hebrew translations:
יאהב, החביבים, בידידו
English King James Version: Love, beloved

Strong's #5368

Greek Word: φιλεω
Delitzsch's New Testament Hebrew translations:
האהב, לנשק
English King James Version: Love, kiss

Note that the translators used the same words for two different Greek words.

An index is provided with the Concordance that lists each Strong's Hebrew and Greek numbers with their corresponding translated words. In this way all students can easily filter out each particular Hebrew or Greek word by its unique number that is attached to the translated words.