Study Tool Overview
Interlinear Bible
Roots & Branches
Historical Maps
Locate a word or a number
The Concordance allows you to explore all the references where specific words occur in the Bible and enables you to compare how the word is translated in context via an attributes panel. Searches can be made either in Hebrew, Greek or English, using the actual word or a Strong's word or verb classification number.

Once the search is made you may filter the results by Biblical division, verb type and mood, etc. Additional tools are integrated that alert you if the verse you are studying has Maps or Timeline references. You can also view the verse in context and take notes right on the page.

Locate a word or a number
View the context of a word
The Interlinear Bible is a great way to read through Scripture with direct access to the original language and the Strong's word number, inline below each English word. The Concordance information for each word is also accessible by hovering over each word, so you can see how the word is usually translated in different contexts.

Other tools are also integrated to alert you to related Maps and Timeline references, as well as the ability to take notes directly on the page.

View the context of a word
View a word amongst its family
The Greek Roots & Branches tool allows you to explore the relationships between words. Like a family tree, each word family has a progenitor (root) and it's descendants (the sub branches). When you search for a word you will be able to view the whole family tree. Colored labels show the various levels of relationship, and you can click on each word to view it's children or parents, along with Concordance information about that word. You may take notes directly on the page, for later reference.
View a word amongst its family
Find Places, ascertain distances, and terrain
The Maps really bring the Bible to life, by illustrating where people lived and events took place. You can see how close Jerusalem is to Bethlehem, locate where King David fought Goliath, learn where Abraham was born and follow his journeys into the land of Canaan, and much more. The maps allow you to view the terrain and compare the ancient locations with modern cities for reference.

Additional tools are integrated into the page, to allow you to see verses in context, or take personal notes for future reference.

Find Places, ascertain distances, and terrain
Find a date, name, or event
The Timeline provides a big picture view of the Bible, helping to put into perspective the relationship between characters and events from different books that you may not realize are related. You will be able see how long Noah and his sons lived and the overlap between their lives and other Biblical characters. You will be able to visually compare the prophets and the kings that ruled during their ministry, the length of time Israel spent in bondage during the time of the Judges, or how long it took from the time the order to rebuild Jerusalem was given and the time it was completed. The Timeline helps bring the Bible to life by putting the stories in linear context.
Find a date, name, or event
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Keyword or Number
  • Keyword or Number
  • Biblical Reference
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